Court is held on the 3rd Thursday every other month at 1 p.m. unless otherwise posted.

The next court date is June 13, 2024.





You can now pay fines online at 


Grant Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction over town ordinance violations, traffic violations and criminal misdemeanor cases. 

The Court’s purpose is to provide a fair, impartial and efficient court system for municipal charges. We provide day-to-day assistance to citizens, attorneys, defendants, and other courts. The Court is responsible for answering only procedural type questions.  The court does not give legal advice. 


Functions of the Court include:

  • Management of all pending cases filed with the court

  • Maintenance of all court records

  • Collections and remittance of all fines, forfeitures, court costs, and restitution

  • Issuance of subpoenas, summons, warrants and certified copies of court records


Payments on Traffic and Non-traffic Offenses

  • Methods of payment include Cash, Money Order or Cashier Check, Debit and Credit Card's
  • Personal checks are not accepted.
  • Voice Portal Payment Line: (256) 472-8522
  • If you are unsure whether your ticket can be settled without a court appearance, call 256.728.2007.

Some minor violations may be settled without making a court appearance if:

  • You wish to plead guilty to the charge and,

  • You pay the ticket in full prior to your court date.

Court appearance is required if you want to make partial payments.


To Pay Ticket by Mail –

  • Send a money order or cashier check for the exact amount along with your signed copy of the ticket to:

Grant Municipal Court

P. O. Box 70

Grant, AL 35747


To Pay at the Court Office - 4766 Main Street, Grant, AL 36747 –


  • The person who received the ticket must appear in person to enter a guilty plea. No one else can enter this plea for you. Payment in full by cash, money order or cashier check must be paid at the time the plea is entered. The Clerks’ office is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted.


Not Guilty Pleas –


  • If you wish to contest the ticket, you must appear in court on the date indicated on your ticket.


Cash Bonds


You may post a cash bond during regular business hours.  Cash bonds are not accepted on weekends or city-approved holidays. Police Officers do not accept cash bonds.  If you are arrested on a weekend or holiday, and are required to post a cash bond, the cash bond will be received by court personnel on the next business day following the weekend or holiday.



Court Ordered Services


Grant Municipal Court utilizes the following services:
          Marshall County Court Referral

          Marshall County Community Punishment and Corrections



Civil Matters


Grant Municipal Court is a criminal misdemeanor court. The following civil matters must be directed to the Marshall County Courthouse located in Guntersville, Alabama:

  • File a Civil Complaint

  • Obtain a marriage license

  • Property assessments

  • File a small claims suit

  • Tax Assessor

  • Voters Registration

  • Car Tags

  • Driver License

  • Probate


Driver License Questions


All questions regarding your driver license should be directed to the Alabama Department of Public Safety.


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